Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Recent Action

Helllll-oh gorgeoso readers. I've been doing a little cooking lately from The Garden of Vegan and La Dolce Vegan and I wanted to share the yumminess with you. I'm going to start with the MOST exciting news, which is that I completed a section in this book. Can you guess what it was?

I made parathas to serve with this soup -- easy and fast and great for dipping.

p. 86 GOV
Prepared 4/21/2012

Tah-dah! This is the last soup from this book that we had left to actually cook (note that I still have reviews galore to post about other soups). I made some changes: I added tumeric, nutritional yeast, green peas and chickpeas to add nutrition and body to the soup, since it was our main dish. My tasters had some feedback.

"It's warm, hearty and delicious! I'd add few less chickpeas and some carrots and potatoes. I really like the celery." (Diner Number One)

"It's REALLY GOOD! I like the tomatoes and the chickpeas, especially the ones that love love (a reference to a song that the diner recently wrote)." (Diner Number Two)

As for me, I thought it was overwhelmingly tomatoey.

Next up...

p. 155 GOV
Prepared 4/24/2012

I omitted the snow peas called for in this recipe but added some beans. I also used a bit more tofu than the recipe called for, and as a matter of fact, no, there weren't any buckwheat noodles in the cabinet like I thought that there were. Therefore, we ate this over a fine blend of regular and whole wheat angel hair. I served this so that everyone could top with their choice of toppings: nuts, sriratcha, lime, peas. My son called this "the best meal ever!" but he was really hungry, so I'm not sure if that kind of extreme reaction really counts.

Another case of eating taking precedence over photography.

p. 231 LDV
Prepared 4/23/2012

We had a dinner with friends, and they brought the ice cream so it was a really good thing that we had a cobbler. This is actually very quick and easy, as advertised...though the recipe does contain a solid 1/2 cup of margarine so healthy it is not. Cooked fruit desserts are not my favorite but I live with others who enjoy them. The recipe says that it makes four servings but they'd be really big servings. We found that there were six or eight servings, especially if you've got some ice cream going on.

Yeah, maybe there is some burnt kale on the bottom of my oven.

p. 219 LDV
Prepared 4/13/2012

These were really good. As you can see, I tossed a little bit of the chocolate chip action on top because that is a (bad) habit we have in our house, chocolatechipifying a whole lot of stuff. There were a little oily, so I would use a bit less Earth Balance next time. We sent some of these off in our vegan exchange box that we signed up to do via The Verdant Life.