Wednesday, December 09, 2009

At The End Of Summer, A Girl's Thoughts Turn To Soup

p. 114 LDV Prepared 9/15/09

It was super hot in our third-floor walk up this summer, but as soon as the mercury dipped below 85, I whipped out this recipe. In our humble garden, we had basil (home to a preying mantis for much of the summer) and tomatoes galore and my son loved both making and eating this. It is extremely simple.

We made this soup multiple times per week for at least a month. We substituted 3 (sometimes more, sometimes less) large fresh tomatoes for the can of tomatoes and as I made this over and over I began to use some coconut milk - about a half of a can -to add more depth and spiced it up with tumeric, cumin and Braggs.

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