Sunday, February 24, 2008

Oh, I Forgot- The First Post-Illness, Get-Back-On-The-Horse Recipe!

p. 243 LDV
Prepared 2/13/08

While this recipe seemed like it would resemble cheesecake when it went into the oven, the end result was not at all cheesecakey...and in fact someone at the potluck I took this to (er, not the same potluck that the below two entries reference-- this is a potluck lovin' town) compared it to Chess Pie. Now I don't know what the heck Chess Pie is (hold on whilst I google it)...ah! Of course. Its a southern corn syrup pie. Er, I don't really know if its a complement that she called this a reminder of Chess Pie! It was good, gooey and chocolatey though. I don't know. It was kind of a lot of steps and I far prefer other desserts I've made. But on the other hand, it WAS, as just stated, good, gooey and chocolatey. I used applesauce as my egg replacer.

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