Sunday, December 17, 2006

I Sure LOVE Gravy

p. 182 LDV
Prepared 12/12/06

Yeah, its true: I really love gravy to slather on a big mound of mashed potatoes (a.k.a. cloud fluff around here) and some sort of faux-meaty thing, or even beans. Anyway, I am also sometimes pressed for time or the spirit isn't moving me or what have you, so gravy doesn't get made around these parts very often. But I was really glad to have made this. It was rich and flavorful and said flavors were yummarello. My skeptical omnivore of a toddler daddy even appreciated it, saying he liked it because it was tasty without trying to be something that it wasn't. Plus, to be candid, it wasn't very difficult to make at all. I highly recommend to you.

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