Sunday, May 13, 2007

Bananas, Again (sigh)

p. 122 HIAV
Prepared 2/17/07

I omitted the dates, because I didn't have them. I added a bit of agave to make the bread sweeter, and chocolate chips, because you can't go wrong with having extra chocolate chips in banana bread. Everyone seemed to like this. Everyone, of course, but me.

When I say everyone, I mean people I talked to. I gave a bunch of it to the emergency workers in our neighborhood who were working on a broken gas main in front of our house for almost 24 hours. I didn't go tagging after them asking their opinion. Oh no. I save that for people who know me.

By the way, we voluntarily evacuated our place (after learning that the building next door, with which we share a wall, had been not-so-voluntarily evacuated). It kind of sucked, but discretion is sometimes the better part of valor. Especially when it comes to kids, cats and hard to find gas leaks.

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