Tuesday, January 30, 2007


p. 159 LDV
Prepared 1/30/07 (Driver's Permit Test Passing Day!)

This one was fine, ok, decent, but it didn't bowl me over. Speaking of the word over, my son has been going into some timeouts lately because he has a little issue with throwing stuff all over the place. And when he gets put in a time out, he immediately begins yelling, "OH-VAH! OH-VAH!" He sounds like he is from S. Boston, or Weymouth, or old school Somerville. I have to turn around and privately snicker when he is doing it. So anyway, the recipe: it surely is not faux chicken salad. But it made a pretty good lunch. I didn't have kelp, so I toasted up some nori and crumbled it in. Which reminds me: this recipe would make a good filling for sushi or hand rolls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and now he keeps saying how things are "wicked wicked hot." I thought it was nurture, not nature. I was wrong.