Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Couscous Porridge!

p. 38 GOV
Prepared 2/26/2010

This is really not my style of breakfast but openmindedly, I gave it a try...not bad! If I were the porridge loving type, I'd have said "very good!" One taster said he thought it would be better with more spiced milk and that it was a little dry for him. Another taster said that it was just right. A third, smaller taster said, "No, I'm not having any breakfast today."

I prepared it during a 48 hour storm that dumped what is hopefully the last of the season's snow on us, so it seemed an extra good, warm and cozy way to start one's day of thumping around in the powder.

I suspect this would be extra good with a creamy topping-- perhaps cashew creme or coconut milk whipped cream?

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