Friday, March 26, 2010

The Quest For A Delicious Brownie, Part 3

Next up on the hit parade of brownies was the recipe from Veganomicon for Fudgy Wudgy Blueberry Brownies. I was all set to go with making these fudgy, wudgy and blueberry-y but then I saw that Isa and Terry (Do you like how I call them their names like its no big thing, we're totally tiiiiiiiight etc.? We actually don't know each other) were suggesting that one could make them with raspberries and it would be also yummy. I'm a fool, a FOOL I tell you, for chocolate and raspberry so off I went on my merry way.

So these were really good. I liked the addition of the raspberry. But they DID seem more labor intensive, and maybe even more expensive, what with dumping an entire jar of fruit spread (back in my day we called it jam, or some upstarts would call it jelly) and the cost of berries these days. Ya know. So they were perfectly delicious and I jammed (no pun intended) them down my craw all day. I actually split the batter and made a personal pan sized one for our dinner exchange family- it came out so cute (I know you cannot tell that the above pic is a mini pan of brownies) that I want to get a mini pan just so I can bake things like that. In miniature.

The quest continues, though. Like Bono, I still haven't found what I'm looking for. Entirely. But I'm having fun on the journey.

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